View & Add Meter Readings to an Asset

View & Add Meter Readings to an Asset

Asset meter readings are stored on the asset record. Meter readings can either come in automatically from an integration with a different software or can be manually added to the asset record. View meter readings in a list or view trends in a graph.


Video Overview


View Meter Readings

  1. Open an asset record. 
  2. Scroll to the Meter Reading zone to view existing meter readings.
  3. Meter readings are organized in reverse chronological order. Scroll through multiple pages of readings (if applicable).



View a Graph of Meter Reading Values

  1. Click the graph icon to open the graph in a pop up window.
  2. Adjust the meter type and time period. 



Add a New Meter Reading

  1. To add a new meter reading, click + AddScreen_Shot_2020-02-26_at_1.34.04_PM.png
  2. Select Meter Type. Note - Additional meter types can be added in lookups. Please visit our article Configure Meter Types to learn more.
  3. Enter a Reading value.
  4. If desired, change the Date of the reading.
  5. Add Comments associated with this meter reading.
  6. Click SaveScreen_Shot_2020-02-26_at_1.35.10_PM.png


NEXGEN Tip: Some meter types, like odometer and run time, will not let you enter a lower value as these meter types should always have increasing values. However, if you need to enter a lower value, click Reset before adding the lower reading. The reset functionality will let you enter a lower value one time. 

Edit or Delete a Meter Reading

  1. Click the dropdown arrow on a meter reading. 
  2. Select Edit to edit the reading details or add a comment. 
  3. Select Delete to delete the reading. 


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