NEXGEN Glossary

NEXGEN Glossary



A signed deal between two parties stipulating an exchange of services or items for money. Agreements in NEXGEN can be contract or blanket agreements where contract agreements are defined through a lump sum of money and blanket agreements are determined by specific line items with costs associated to them.


Physical property owned by an organization that requires maintenance.


Asset Attributes

Class-specific information that describes the properties of the asset.


Asset Condition Index (ACI)

Condition score assigned to asset ranging from 1 (best possible condition) to 10 (worst possible condition). ACI is determined by asset age, unless a condition assessment is performed on the asset, in which case the age based score is overridden by the new score resulting from the condition assessment.


Asset Impact Index (AII)

Commonly known as Consequence of Failure (CoF). Score assigned to asset that describes the cost of asset failure ranging from 1 (low cost) - 10 (high cost). Costs can be direct such as repairs, fines, property damage, etc. or indirect such as traffic delays, public reputation, etc.


Asset Probability Index (API)

Commonly known as likelihood of failure (LoF). Score assigned to asset that describes the likelihood of failure based on factors such as asset condition or reliability. API ranges from 1 (not likely) to 10 (very likely).


Asset Risk Index (ARI)

Risk score assigned to asset ranging from 1 (low risk) to 100 (high risk) that describes the likelihood and consequence of failure of the given asset. ARI is the product of the probability of failure (API) and the impact of failure (AII).


Available Quantity

The number of units of a part available to be requested. AVAILABLE = STOCK - RESERVED.



Backlog Years

In the AM Planning module, backlog years refer to the number of years an asset is past its suggested replacement date (e.g., an asset with a backlog of 2 is two years past its suggested replacement date). You can remove backlog years by replacing the asset or by telling the system that the Index is updated and that the asset does not need to be replaced.


A collection of GIS data and imagery that form the background setting for a map.


Book Value

The current value of the asset. In NEXGEN, the book value is automatically calculated from the purchase date, purchase cost, and financial life.




Describes the type of part in the warehouse inventory module (ie: oil, safety, hydraulic fluid, batteries, etc.). Parts are organized by category in the category hierarchy tree. 



The reason for generating a work order.


Child Asset

Asset that is a sub-component of another asset (parent asset). ie: a car is a parent asset and the engine is the child asset.



Describes the type of asset based on category or function. The six main asset classes are area, equipment, linear, miscellaneous, structure and vehicle.


Condition Assessment

A technical assessment of an asset. The result of a condition assessment is an updated ACI (asset condition index), which will affect the remaining useful life of the asset.



A 3rd party company that provides services to an organization. Contractors can be added as resources on work orders. 


Cost Method

Determines the sale cost per unit of a part.

  1. Fixed - One cost is determined and used over time, regardless of changes to the receiving cost.
  2. Average - Cost changes over time based on the average receiving cost (over 12 months).
  3. First In, First Out (FIFO)- The cost per unit is equal to the cost of the oldest part brought into system. Cost per unit only shows the next available price.
  4. Last in, First Out (LIFO) - The cost per unit is equal to the newest part brought into the system. Cost per unit only shows next available price.



A person or entity, usually outside of NEXGEN, who reports a service request by calling in, emailing, or submitting an issue via a 311 portal.



A group of employees and equipment assigned to a work order or preventive maintenance record.

Customer Service Agent

Customer Service Agent; Person responsible for processing customer service requests and assigning them to Supervisors. 

Cycle Count

The Cycle Count module allows users to perform cycle counts. A cycle count is a form of warehouse auditing where users perform manual counts of items to verify inventory quantities.  NEXGEN's cycle count module allows users to view item stock quantities and update quantities from one place. Users can select to perform cycle counts based on warehouse location, ABC code, and/or item category.


Document Library

A module that stores documents, photos, and URLs. All attachments added to records automatically get saved in the document library and can be added to additional by using the "Add From Document Library" feature.


Domains are relevant to organizations that have at least one partition within a NEXGEN URL. Each domain within a URL is independent of each other and changes in one domain do not affect the other. Only the user and user group modules are shared across domains. For more information on domains or to learn how your team can incorporate domains, please reach out to



A person who assigns or is assigned work within NEXGEN.


Employee Role

The employee role describes an employee's set of tasks and responsibilities. For example, possible employee roles could include mechanic, engineer, electrician, etc. The role is not necessarily a specific job title at an organization, but rather a general filter label that can be used to route work when assigning work orders.



A piece of machinery or tool that can be added to work orders and service requests for job costing purposes.



Financial Life

The number of years until an asset is considered to be worth $0. Financial life is configured at the class level within NEXGEN.




Geographic Information System. A system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data.


GIS Attributes

Specific properties relating to spatial data of an asset.


GIS Query

A search performed across all GIS assets synced within NEXGEN based on GIS database filtering criteria. Once a query is performed, assets meeting the search criteria will be highlighted on the map and added to the selected list. From there, these assets can be added to a work order, preventive maintenance, inspection, or condition assessment.



Hierarchy Tree

Navigation tree used in multiple modules to move through out the application.


Inactive Item

Item that is no longer visible in the warehouse inventory (unless "Show All" slider is selected). 

Inflation Value

The rate at which prices change in a year. In NEXGEN, unless otherwise specified, the inflation value is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).



Records designed to assess various aspects of an asset. Generally these were previously paper forms required by an organization or outside party.


Install Date

The date the asset was installed. This date marks the beginning of the useful life period for an asset.

Inventory Requisition (IR) 

A record generated to capture requests for items. Inventory requisitions are automatically generated when users request items from the store module. IRs are also automatically generated when items are added to a WO if a warehouse was configured with controlled inventory. 

Inventory Reorder Module

The module that identifies which items need to be reordered based on NEXGEN item quantities. The reorder module will identify the number of items that are below their minimum stock quantities or items that have zero stock. From the reorder module, users can generate quote requests or purchase requests to facilitate the reorder process.


A part or supply used to perform maintenance on a work order. 





Within GIS, a layer is a mechanism to display a specific class of geographic asset. Layers can be turned on to view particular assets or off to not view particular assets according to user preferences. In some cases, layers can be broken down into more specific sublayers.


Lead (Worker)

The person responsible for performing or coordinating work on a work order, service request, condition assessment, or inspection.



Within GIS, the legend provides a key to match symbols on the map with their corresponding assets.


Life-to-Date (LTD) 

An option to show all records for an asset within the assets life.


Linked Service Request

A service request that is connected to one or more service requests within NEXGEN.


Linked Work Order

A work order that is connected to one or more work orders within NEXGEN.



Describes where an asset or stock item is physically located. 


A configurable dropdown in NEXGEN. Lookups can be adjusted in the Lookups module. For more information please review Lookups Overview - Configurations & Advanced Features


Main Task

The main maintenance activity performed on a work order. The Main Task field is found in the top zone of Work Orders. The Main Task is meant to summarize the work performed on a work order. Main Tasks are configured in the Lookups module.


Max Quantity

The maximum number of units of a part that should be stored in a warehouse or in a specific location in the warehouse.


Miscellaneous Cost

A cost associated with a work order that is not already captured in the resource or parts zones. This could be for goods or services associated with the work order.


Min Quantity

The minimum number of units of a part that should be stored in a warehouse or in a specific location in the warehouse.



An option to view all records for an asset within the current month.


My Items

Items currently under your possession or transferred to you.

My Orders

Inventory Requisition requests you have made. 

Non-Stock Item

Item not stored or not inventoried in the warehouse.




A search performed across all GIS assets synced within NEXGEN based on NEXGEN filtering criteria. Once a query is performed, assets meeting the search criteria will be highlighted on the map and added to the selected list. From there, these assets can be added to a work order, preventive maintenance, inspection, or condition assessment.


A notification in NEXGEN is a system generated update that can be delivered to users through alert, email, or SMS. Users can be subscribed to stock system notifications as a part of their user group or can self subscribe through their profile settings. Users with advanced permissions can also create  custom notifications to inform team members when specific criteria is met.



Parent Asset

Asset that contains at least one sub-component asset (child asset). ie: a car is a parent asset and the engine is the child asset.


Predictive Maintenance (PdM)

Scheduled maintenance activities that rely on dynamic triggers signaling that asset is trending towards failure. A PdM will fire when trigger parameters are met.


Preventive Maintenance (PM)

Routine maintenance activities occurring based on a set schedule determined by time (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) or asset meter readings. A PM will fire a work order when schedule parameters are met.



Label that specifies the severity of the service request or work order. Listed below are NEXGEN standard priorities. Custom priorities can be configured. 

minor issue that could wait
significant issue that needs be addressed
major issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later
critical issue that needs to be addressed immediately


A type of record in NEXGEN that allows users to track the progress of a project based on budget expenses and/or WO/SR history. Projects break down costs based on resource, items, and miscellaneous expenses. Projects can be created with a Parent/Child relationship. For more information on projects users should reference Projects Overview - Projects.

Purchase Cost

The purchase cost of the asset. In NEXGEN, the purchase cost factors into the book value and replacement cost of the asset. 


Purchase Date

The date the asset was purchased. This date marks the beginning of the financial life.


Purchase Order (PO)

A purchase request for items from an outside vendor or supplier.



QR Code

A machine scannable image tagged to an asset that is a unique identifier for that asset. QR codes can be scanned from NEXGEN mobile apps to quickly bring up the asset information or attach the asset to a work order.



Receiving Module

The module in NEXGEN where users can review Purchase Order records and identify which items have been received. Users can identify the number of items received and at what cost items were received.

Items that are likely to be used in conjunction with another item or items that are needed for a particular asset.


Reorder Quantity 

The number of units of a part that need to be ordered. By default, the reorder quantity is the max minus min.


Replacement Cost

The replacement cost of the asset. In NEXGEN, the replacement cost is automatically calculated from the purchase cost, useful life, install date, and inflation.


Replacement Item

An item that can be used if that item is ever unavailable.


Reserved Quantity 

The number of units of a part requested (but not yet issued) from store or from a work order.



An employee, contractor, or piece of equipment. Resources can be added to work orders or service request. Note - contractors can be added to work orders, but not service requests.



The outcome of a work order.




Service Request (SR)

A service request is, at a high level, a support ticket created in the NEXGEN system as a result of an issue reported by a customer or employee. 

Service Requests can be created by internal users (NEXGEN proper users) or by members of the public, members within an organization that DO NOT utilize NEXGEN, or by any user with access to a 311 portal site.

Service Requests are sometimes created to pass work between departments. Not all users of NEXGEN utilize Service Requests. Clients thinking of exploring use cases for Service Requests are encouraged to review NEXGEN's Service Request Madness webinar series.

Service Request Type

The problem or issue being investigated on a service request (ie: broken sidewalk, fallen sign, etc.). Service Request types are configurable in the NEXGEN system and can be assosiated with specific Departments and Divisions.


Splash Screen

A pop-up on the web and iPad apps that informs you of new features and recent updates to the NEXGEN software.

Status (Service Request)

Communicates the relative stage of work for the service request. Standard NEXGEN statuses are listed below. Custom statuses can be created as well. 

Service request is created but has not yet been investigated.
Service request is being investigated.
Service request has been investigated, but there is something preventing it from being resolved.
Service request is no longer needed.
WO in Progress
A work order has been created as a result of investigating the service request.
Service request (and linked work order, if relevant) has been resolved.


Status (Work Order)

Communicates the relative stage of work for the work order. Standard NEXGEN statuses are listed below. Custom statuses can be created as well.

Work order has been created and possibly assigned, but work has not started.
Work has started.
On Hold
Work is temporarily held up
The work order is no longer needed.
Work is complete and ready to be reviewed.
Work order has been reviewed and closed.

Stock Item

Items stored and inventoried in the warehouse.


Stock Quantity

The physical number of units of a part currently in a specific location in the warehouse.



A module where users can request stock items available in the warehouse inventory. When users request items from the store module, an inventory requisition is created. The store module will only show items that have been configured to show in store.



Additional maintenance activities performed on a work order. Sub-tasks are added in the Tasks zone on a work order record. Sub-tasks are configured in the Lookups module.



Supervisor is NEXGEN's standard term for the person responsible for assigning, reviewing, and closing a work order, service request, condition assessment, or inspection. Across NEXGEN, the term "Supervisor" is used as a placeholder for anyone that would review work assignments and verify information on records prior to their closure. Depending on an organization's role nomenclature, NEXGEN's definition for "Supervisor" may mean the same as a Team Leader, Planner, Superintendent, Crew Lead, Manager, Senior Tech, etc. 




A module in NEXGEN that allows users to record the number of hours worked. The Timesheet module automatically pulls resource time added to work orders and service requests. Additional non-WO/SR time can be added to timesheet records by using timesheet tasks. 


Unit of Measure (UOM)

Necessary input for a stock item in the Warehouse Module. The Unit of Measure is tied to purchase orders and defines how you receive your items from external vendors (i.e.. case of 10, 2 pack, 100 yard roll). UOM values are customizable and are configured in the Settings module under Lookups.

Unit of Measure Sale (UOM Sale)

Necessary input for a stock item in the Warehouse Module. The Unit of Measure Sale value refers to how you will be selling/distributing warehouse inventory. UOM Sale values are customizable and are configured in the Settings module under Lookups.

UOM Convert

A setting within Lookups. You can use the UOM Convert Lookup to convert your UOM to a UOM Sale value.

Useful Life

The life expectancy of an asset in terms of performance. Useful life is configured at the class level within NEXGEN. Until an asset's condition score (ACI) is updated (manually or through a condition assessment) an asset's useful life remains theoretical. When an an asset's ACI is updated, the useful life adjusts based on current asset condition. If an asset is doing poorly, useful life decreases, if an asset is doing better than expected, useful life adjusts accordingly.

User Defined Field (UDF)

A custom field defined by end-users and not by NEXGEN. UDFs are configurable fields that can be added to a variety of records (work order, service request, asset, item, etc.). UDFs can be created to maximize reporting needs and increase data capture.



An external supplier for your warehouse or asset inventory. Vendors can be associated with asset or inventory records within NEXGEN.



Warehouse Inventory Module

The module that houses all warehouse item records including non-stock and stock items. Users can search for items and update item details through the Warehouse Inventory module.

Warranty Expiration Date

The date that the warranty is set to expire.


Work Order (WO)

A record within NEXGEN describing the details of the maintenance performed on one or more assets. 


Work Order Type

The work order type describes the category of work being done on a work order. Work order types are meant to encompass a wide category of work to help organizations separate major groups of work order. Common/recommended work order types are listed below. Custom work order types can also be configured in NEXGEN to meet the needs of specific clients.


Planned maintenance activities scheduled based on a set time or meter interval aimed to prevent future issues with assets
Reactive maintenance work performed as a result of an issue arising with an asset
Planned maintenance activities scheduled based on dynamic triggers to alert a potential issue with an asset




Year-to-Date (YTD) 

An option to view all records for an asset within the current year.



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