Sort Vendor Records in Employee Module
1. From list view, select sort field name from dropdown button 2. Click on A-Z icon sort button on top RHS (to sort A thru Z) 3. Click on Z-A icon sort button on top RHS (to sort Z thru A)
Show all feature in Vendor module
1. On LHS select Show All button 2. All active and inactive records will appear
Edit Multiple Vendor records
1. Select multiple vendors by clicking multiple check boxes from the List view 2. Click on Multiple Edit button on LHS 3. Update records attributes as needed 4. Click Save
Viewing reports for Vendors
1. Click Reports icon top RHS 2. Click on report name from Reports pop-up window 3. If no reports have been added as favorites, select Go To Reports
Viewing Previous/Next Vendor
1. Select vendor from List view (or search by employee information) 2. Click on < Previous button LHS 3. Click on Next > button LHS
Save As functionality in Vendor Record
1. Select vendor from List view (or search by employee information) 2. Click Save As icon on upper RHS 3. Enter New Vendor information 4. Click Save on upper RHS 5. Edit record details as needed 6. A duplicate Vendor record will be created
Delete Vendor Record
1. Select vendor from List view (or search by employee information) 2. Click Print icon on upper RHS 3. Vendor Details report will auto download in PDF file 4. Open downloaded Vendor Details report 5. Click Printer icon (or download arrow icon) ...
Print/Download Vendor Record
1. Select vendor from List view (or search by employee information) 2. Click Delete icon on upper RHS 3. Confirm deletion by clicking Ok
Delete Vendor Comments from Vendor Record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From comments section, click on dropdown arrow to the right of comment you wish to delete 3. Select Delete 4. Confirm deletion by clicking Ok
Delete URL from Vendor Record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Attachments section, click on dropdown arrow to the right of URL you wish to delete 3. Select Delete 4. Confirm deletion by clicking Ok
Delete attachment from Vendor Record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Attachments section, click on dropdown arrow to the right of file you wish to download 3. Select Delete 4. Confirm deletion by clicking Ok
Download an attachment from Vendor Record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Attachments section, click on file name 3. Or click on dropdown arrow to the right of file you wish to download
View an attachment from Vendor Record
Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) From Attachments section, click on file name Or click on dropdown arrow to the right of file you wish to view
Attach URL to Vendor Record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. Click Add on RHS in Attachments section blue band 3. Click Add URL 4. Enter (or copy and paste) URL name in URL text Box 5. Enter URL Name in File Name 6. Click Attach Link 7. ...
Attach File to Vendor record
1. Select Vendor from the List view (or search by vendor information) 2. Click Add on RHS in Attachments section blue band 3. Click Select File 4. Browse for file and click Open
Delete a Contact from Vendor record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Contacts section on RHS, click on dropdown arrow to the right of the file you wish to delete 3. Select Delete 4. Confirm deletion by clicking Ok
Edit Contact from Vendor record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Contacts section on RHS, click on Edit icon on blue band 3. Update information as needed 4. Click Save
Add Contacts to a Vendor
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Contacts section on RHS, click on Add button 3. Enter all the details in pop up window and click Save (NOTE: All fields with asterisk * are mandatory. Contact will not save ...
Delete a Part from Vendor record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From Attachments section, click on dropdown arrow to the right of URL you wish to delete 3. Select Delete 4. Confirm deletion by clicking Ok
Edit User Defined Field from Vendor record
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. From User Defined Fields section, click on Edit icon on blue band 3. Update information as needed 4. Click Save
Add Parts to a Vendor
1. Select Vendor from List view (or search by vendor information) 2. Click Add button on Parts blue band 3. Select a single part (or multiply parts) from pop up window and click on Attach button
Delete Vendor record
1. Select a Vendor from the List view (or search by vendor information) 2. Click Delete icon on RHS 3. Confirm deletion by clicking Delete again
Edit Vendor Information
1. Select the Vendor from the List view 2. Click Edit button on blue band RHS 3. Editing Vendor Information 4. Click Save
Creating a New Vendor
1. Click on + New icon 2. Enter vendor information into record 3. Click on Save icon ion RHS (NOTE: All fields with asterisk * are mandatory. Vendor will not save if left blank)
Reset the Search Results
1. Select Vendor Contact First Name/Last Name/etc. from Search drop down list on LHS 2. Enter vendor information in the search text box 3. When search is complete, click Reset button
Search for Vendor using Search filter
1. Select Contact First Name/Last Name/etc. from the drop down list on LHS 2. Enter vendor information in the search text box 3. Hit Enter or click on Search Icon
Open Vendor Module
1. Open Resource module 2. Select Vendor from accordion view