Employee Record Overview - Employee
Employee records in NEXGEN store a user's employee information. With an employee record link, users can be assigned work in the system, can be tagged in comments, and can explore all areas of the software that they have access to. Users that will ...
Employee Time-Off Overview - Resource
The Employee Time-Off feature can be used to track time-off for a particular employee. As of NEXGEN version 11.3, the employee time-off feature is also relevant to the Inventory Requisitions module. Employee time-off is relevant to the inventory ...
Edit Employee Rate from Employee Record - Employee
Navigate to the Employee module. From your NEXGEN dashboard hover over the "Resource" icon on the left and click "Employee". Open the employee record that needs to be updated. Click "Edit" from the rates zone on the employee record to modify rates. ...
Delete an Employee Record
Open employee Module Select employee from List view (or search by employee information) Click Delete Icon on RHS Confirm delete click Delete again Click on the delete button present on the top bar (NOTE: Cannot delete employee record if work ...
Create/Edit/Link a New Employee - Employee
Employee records are required for each user account. Employee records are not automatically created when a user account is created in NEXGEN. To add a new employee into the NEXGEN system, users should first create a user account for the employee if ...