Create an SR Resolution - Lookups
As of NEXGEN version 12, there is now an option to fill out a Resolution field for service requests. Designed to mimic the WO Resolution field, SR Resolution fields are there to help you log how an SR was resolved, as well as communicate the ...
Create or Edit an SR Response Template - Lookups
You can set automated messages to send to service request submitters in Lookups. These messages send when an SR assigned to a particular department/division and/or SR type is put in a specific status. This is useful if, for example, you must place a ...
Sub-Status Overview - Configurations
As of version 12, NEXGEN modules will have status and sub-status options. Sub-statuses in NEXGEN allow users to create custom statuses while still benefiting from NEXGEN standard status functionalities. A sub-status inherits a parent status's ...
Add a New SR Type - Lookups
Service request types can be configured in Lookups so that the Type drop-down field can be populated in NEXGEN. This is useful for categorizing your service requests and making sure you know what the service request might entail at a glance. Adding ...
Add a New Asset Plan Task Type - Asset Plan
Asset plan tasks are tasks that are used to calculate a life cycle plan for assets at the class level in the Asset Plan module. You can add new task types in the Lookups module so that you can add them to life cycle plans in the Asset Plan module. ...
Adding New Resource Roles - Lookups
Users can add new resource roles as needed from the Lookups module. These roles describe an employee’s set of tasks and responsibilities; they serve as a general filter label that can be used to route work when assigning work orders through NEXGEN. ...
Work Order Task Type Overview - Lookups
Task Types can be used to link SR Types to WO Main Tasks and expedite the creation of linked WOs. This is useful for teams who frequently create linked work orders from service requests or for those who would like to expedite the selected WO main ...
Lookups Overview - Configurations & Advanced Features
NEXGEN users are able to modify dropdown menus (lookups) for organization-specific needs and uses. To learn more about the Lookups module and how to adjust any dropdown options, please review the information below. Users that are unable to view the ...
Create/Edit Departments and Divisions - Advanced Configurations
Users making adjustments to their NEXGEN site can update their configurations and make changes to their Department/Division structure. To add new Department/Divisions to your NEXGEN site, users must have at least the following Lookup Table ...
Adjust Mandatory Fields - Advanced Configurations
NEXGEN users with access to the Lookups module can adjust mandatory fields. It is important to note that while any user with the Lookups permission can make these changes, the mandatory fields that are enabled will apply to all NEXGEN users for your ...
Assign a Priority to Service Request Type
Administrators can assign a priority to service request types. By doing so, the priority field will be auto-filled when a type is selected when creating a service request. This feature saves users time from having to assign the priority manually when ...
Configure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for Work Orders and Service Requests - Lookups
Work Order and Service Request priorities can be assigned a timeframe during which the issue needs to be resolved or maintenance needs to be completed. For example, an organization might decide that Emergency work orders need to be closed within 24 ...
Create Additional Meter Type Options
Go to Settings > Setup > Lookups On the LHS, locate Asset Inventory from the tree, and click the arrow to expand Click Meter Type Click the + Add icon in Meter zone Add a Meter Type, Whether or not Lower Readings are allowed, Sort Order and check ...
Creating a new look up field in Settings Module
1. Go to Settings -> Setup-> Lookup module 2.Select the node on tree on LHS and Click on New button 3. Enter the details and then click on Update button Lookup field should be created .
Deleting Lookup field in Settings Module
1. Go to Settings -> Setup-> Lookup module 2. Select the Lookup field from the tree 3. Click on the delete button next to record The look up field should be deleted
Exporting data to excel in lookups module
1. Go to Settings -> Setup->Look ups module 2. Click on Export to Excel button on top bar Look up fields should be exported in excel format
Exporting Lookup fields in PDF format
1. Go to Settings -> Setup-> Lookup module 2. Click on Export to PDF button Lookup fields should be exported in PDF format
Assign a Work Order Type to Work Order Task
Users can assign a type (ie: corrective, preventive, etc.) to work order tasks. If a type is assigned to the main task and that type is selected when creating a work order, the main task field will only show tasks for that type – making it easier and ...
Assign a Priority to Work Order Task
Administrators can assign a priority to work order tasks. By doing so, the priority field will be auto-filled when a task is selected when creating a work order. This feature saves users time from having to assign the priority manually when creating ...