View & Create Predictive Maintenance (PdM) for Asset

View & Create Predictive Maintenance (PdM) for Asset

Predictive Maintenance (PdM) relies on dynamic triggers to fire work orders when an asset is trending towards failure. View Predictive Maintenance associated with an asset. Create a new PdM for the asset or add the PdM to an existing PdM. 


Video Overview


View Predictive Maintenance for Asset

  1. Open an asset record and scroll to the Predictive Maintenance zone. 
  2. Filter PdMs by clicking the funnel icon at the top of a column. Select an operator and type text to filter. To clear an existing filter, click the funnel icon again and select ClearScreen_Shot_2020-02-26_at_2.18.16_PM.png


Note - by default, PdMs are shown for parent and child assets. PdMs with a building icon are for the child asset. To see only PdMs for the parent asset, toggle the Show PdM for current Asset button on. 



Create a New PdM for Asset

  1. To create a new PdM for this asset, click + AddScreen_Shot_2020-02-26_at_2.17.31_PM.png
  2. Fill out PdM details and click Save. For more about how to create a new Predictive Maintenance record, visit our article Create New Predictive Maintenance Record.



Add Asset to an Existing PdM

Note - you will only be able to add assets to existing PdMs without an asset already attached. PdMs can only have 1 asset attached. 

  1. Click the dropdown arrow and select + Add Existing. Screen_Shot_2020-02-26_at_2.22.40_PM.png
  2. Locate the PdM by scrolling or searching.
  3. Select the correct PdM. 
  4. Click Attach to see selection.
  5. Click Attach to confirm.


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