Stock vs. Non-Stock Items - Warehouse Inventory

Stock vs. Non-Stock Items - Warehouse Inventory

NEXGEN software allows users to keep track of their stock and non-stock items. To further understand the functionality of stock and non-stock parts as well as the capabilities of each within the NEXGEN software, look to the information below.

Stock vs. Non-Stock Items

When you add new items to your warehouse inventory you have the option of creating stock or non-stock items.

The "Stock Item" form is intended to be used for items you store in your warehouse on a frequent basis. These are items that you want to keep track of and items that you want to connect to assets. Stock items are also items that you want to have visible in the Store Module.

The "Non-Stock Item" form is intended to be used for items that you do not frequently store in your warehouse. These are items that may be bought on a case-by-case basis and do not have a set storage location within your warehouse, as a result you cannot associate a location to non-stock items. Non-stock items do not have as many attributes tied to them so their item records are not as detailed as stock items. Non-stock items are currently not visible within the store and their stock quantity cannot be modified.

To further understand the difference between stock and non-stock items please view the table below:
Stock Item
Non-Stock Item
Track basic item details (number, name, description, manufacturer, etc.)
Listed in Warehouse Inventory module
Issued on work ordersYesYes
Utilize Inventory Requisition functionality
Utilize Purchase Order functionality
Sold in store
Stocked in warehouse
Available in "Grid" view
Ability to filter
Organized by category and location
Category only

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