Complete Non-Stock Inventory Requisitions Added to Work Orders - Inventory Requisitions

Complete Non-Stock Inventory Requisitions Added to Work Orders - Inventory Requisitions

This article goes over how to approve inventory requisitions and receive items. This process is intended to be used by warehouse managers or warehouse inventory users.  Keep in mind that the workflows below are standard NEXGEN workflows and may not reflect your organization's final process. 

Complete Non-Stock Inventory Requisitions Added to Work Orders

When the stock or non-stock controlled inventory option is turned on, items added to WOs automatically generate inventory requisitions. These requisitions can be seen as requests for items. Warehouse managers and warehouse users should follow the steps below to complete these requisitions and update item quantities.
  1. Navigate to the open IR record(s).
    1. You can navigate to an IR from a WO by hovering over the paper bag item next to the item.
  2. Users must create a PO to be able to receive non-stock items in NEXGEN when non-stock controlled inventory is turned on. You can generate a PO from the IR record by clicking on the "Create PO" option visible on the IR record. To create one PO for all items on the requisition click the + Create PO option at the top. To create POs for each individual item, select the "Create PO" option per item.
  3. Enter in PO details and Save PO record. 
    1. Click "Cancel" on the pop-up that appears. The popup is only relevant for users printing RFID tags.
  4. Receive items on your PO by clicking the "Receive Items" option on the top of the screen.
  5. Enter in a receiving quantity on the following screen and then click "Receive".
  6. Enter in additional details if needed and click "Save".
  7. Navigate back to your Inventory Requisition record by clicking the "Back" button on the top right.
  8. Issue the items you have just received on the PO by entering the number of items you are issuing in the "Issue" box and clicking "Issue".

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