Workflow Option Complexity
When determining which workflow you would like for your warehouse, it's important to consider how much control and oversight you would like over your warehouse. Depending on how you would like NEXGEN to reflect your inventory process, you might also want to consider who will be involved in the inventory workflow and how simple you would like your workflow to be. Below is a list of possible workflow setups available within NEXGEN. The options are organized from least complex to most complex.
Non-stock Warehouse Workflow Options Open Warehouse
When it comes to managing your warehouse inventory, an open warehouse is the easiest to setup and involves the least involvement from staff. With the open warehouse workflow, individual users operate autonomously when it comes to adding items to work orders.
Open Warehouse Workflow Set Up an Open Warehouse for Non-Stock Items
To set up an open warehouse for non-stock items, you must first configure your company options. To do this, follow the steps below.
Note: In order to configure company options, you must have the necessary permissions. For more information, contact your system administrator.
- From your NEXGEN dashboard, click on "Settings" from the sidebar.
- Click "Setup".
- Click "Company Options".
- Click "Inventory" from the sidebar.
- Make sure you are under the correct domain for your organization. If you cannot see the company options click your domain name from the left hand side.
- Ensure that "Non Stock Controlled Inventory", "Non Stock Approval by hierarchy", and "Use PO for Inventory Update" are not selected.
- If any of those options are selected click on the "Edit" icon and make sure to uncheck those items. Click "Save" when you are done.
- The open warehouse non-stock workflow should be ready to implement.
Purchase Order for Inventory Update
If you are interested in having more control over non-stock items, the purchase order for inventory update warehouse workflow is a great option. With this workflow, users have the option of creating a purchase order when adding non-stock items to a work order. This can be helpful if your user intends on having the item ordered. Users also have the option to refuse the creation of a purchase order. If a user chooses not to create a purchase order for the non-stock item, they can add that item to the work order after the fact.
Purchase Order Workflow (User Rejects PO)
To adjust your company options in order to have a PO workflow, please look at the steps below.
- From your NEXGEN dashboard, click on "Settings" from the sidebar.
- Click "Setup".
- Click "Company Options".
- Click "Inventory" from the sidebar.
- Make sure you are under the correct domain for your organization. If you cannot see the company options click your domain name from the left hand side.
- Turn "Use PO for Inventory Update" on.
- To turn on the feature, click the pencil "Edit" button and check the "Use PO for Inventory Update" box.
- Click "Save".
- Ensure that "Non Stock Controlled Inventory", "Non Stock Approval by hierarchy", and are not selected.
- Users will now be asked if they would like to create a purchase order for every item added to a work order.
Non-Stock Controlled Inventory
Much like the purchase inventory workflow, non-stock controlled inventory gives certain users the ability to create purchase orders. However, with the non-stock controlled inventory workflow, when non-stock controlled inventory is selected and "Use PO for Inventory Update" is also selected, end users will not be asked if they would like to create a purchase order. Instead, the warehouse manager or other authorized user will have the option of creating purchase orders through item requisitions. When non-stock controlled inventory is turned on, item requisitions are created for all non-stock items that are added to work orders. From there, a warehouse manager or administrator must issue the items or create a purchase order for the item.
Set Up a Non-Stock Controlled Inventory
Before the NEXGEN system can create purchase orders for every non-stock item that is added to a work order, you must adjust your company options. To do this:
- From your NEXGEN dashboard, click on "Settings" from the sidebar.
- Click "Setup".
- Click "Company Options".
- Click "Inventory" from the sidebar.
- Make sure you are under the correct domain for your organization. If you cannot see the company options click your domain name from the left hand side.
- Turn "Use PO for Inventory Update" and "Non-Stock Controlled" Inventory on.
- To turn on the feature, click the pencil "Edit" button and check the boxes for each option.
- Click "Save".
- Ensure that "Non Stock Approval by hierarchy" is not selected.
- Purchase orders will now be created after every non-stock item is added to a work order.
Non-Stock Controlled Inventory with Approvals
The last workflow available for non-stock items is the non-stock controlled inventory with approvals workflow. With this workflow, all employees adding items to a work order must be assigned a Max Requisition Amount and a supervisor. When users add non-stock items to work orders, an item requisition is generated, much like when "Non-Stock Controlled" is on. Unlike the non-stock controlled inventory workflow, however, if a user requests non-stock items with a total higher than their max requisition amount, their order must first be approved before they can be issued their items. Otherwise, a user's request will follow the same workflow as a "Non-Stock Controlled Inventory" workflow.
Non-Stock Controlled Inventory with Approvals Workflow
(User DOES NOT Exceed Max Requisition Amount)
Non-Stock Controlled Inventory with Approvals Workflow
(User DOES Exceed Max Requisition Amount)