Multiple Edit Tool

Multiple Edit Tool

    • Related Articles

    • Add Multiple Attachments

      Users can upload up to 5 attachments at one time in any format. Users can drag and drop attachment(s) for quicker uploading.  Go to the Attachments zone of any record (work order, asset, etc.). Click + Add. Click Select File. Either click Add File or ...
    • Configure Which Work Order Status Closes a Linked Service Request - Company Options

      Users can specify upon which work order status change the linked service request should close. Users can select multiple work order statuses that should close the linked service request. Additionally, when a work order is re-opened, a notification ...
    • Hyperlinked URL in User Defined Field (UDF)

      Users may need to link specific web resources for employees to reference when working on a record, like a work order. To support this, a hyperlinked URL can be entered into a user-defined field (UDF). This applies to textbox and multi-line UDFs only. ...
    • PM Required for Asset

      A checkbox has been added to the asset record as well as at the class level called “PM Required”. All assets that require a preventive maintenance (PM) schedule should have this checkbox checked. Reports can then be generated showing which assets or ...
    • Enter an Item Quantity on Asset Record (Bill of Materials)

      When attaching items to an asset, users can enter the quantity needed. Attaching items to assets enables users to easily attach this item to a work order if the asset is already attached. Entering the “quantity needed” of the item on the asset record ...