Edit GIS Features - iPad

Edit GIS Features - iPad

Feature Editing Setup

Users in NEXGEN have the ability to edit GIS layers directly from the GIS module in NEXGEN. Before being able to edit GIS features, GIS settings must be configured correctly by system administrators and GIS users must enter the proper login information.

Logging into GIS from NEXGEN

To set up GIS feature editing services in NEXGEN, first, you must enter your login credentials for GIS in NEXGEN. Follow the steps below to do this. You must do this initial setup through a web browser. You cannot complete this initial setup on our NEXGEN mobile applications. **Please note that your internal team's GIS administrator will need to provide you with login credentials if needed. For more information please contact your internal team's GIS administrator(s).
  1. Navigate to your user details page.
    1. Click Settings >> User Details
  2. Click on GIS User on the top right.
  3.  Select the layer you would like to edit from the dropdown.
  4. Enter your username and password.
  5. Select the proper checkboxes for permission.
    1. Add – Check to be able to add new features.
    2. Edit – Check to be able to edit existing features.
    3. Delete – Check to be able to delete existing features.
    4. Sync – Select to be able to sync layer information.
    5. **Please note that while users can select all checkboxes in NEXGEN to add, edit, delete, and sync, permissions must also be given through a client’s GIS hosting service. If permissions for the GIS user account are not granted on the GIS provider service, users will not be able to perform the add, edit, delete, sync options in NEXGEN.
  6. Click “Save” to save your preferences.

Editing an Existing Feature (iPad)

To edit an existing feature on a GIS layer, follow the steps below.
  1. Click on GIS module icon.
  2. Turn on the layers you would like to edit.
    1. Select the Layers (paper stack) icon.
    2. Check the layers you would like to view.
    3. Click “Save”.
  3. Select the pencil edit icon from the GIS toolbar.
  4. Tap on the feature/asset you would like to edit.
  5. Adjust feature details on the sidebar that appears on the right.
    1. Click “Done” to save your details.
  6. Click “Cancel” to exit out of the editor.


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