Create Condition Assessments for Multiple Assets

Create Condition Assessments for Multiple Assets

Within the Asset Inventory module, it's possible to select multiple assets and create condition assessments. Each condition assessment can only have one asset attached so separate condition assessment records will be created for each of the selected assets.


Select Multiple Assets

  1. Navigate to the Asset Inventory Module. Click Assets > Asset Inventory.
  2. Filter or search to populate a list of assets. 
  3. Select multiple or all assets in the list by checking the boxes of the assets or checking the select all assets box at the top. 


Create Condition Assessments

  1. Click the Action dropdown in the top right. Note - the Action button is only visible after you have selected assets.
  2. Select New Condition Assessment.Screen_Shot_2020-09-24_at_10.19.06_AM.png
  3. Select the Assessment Type and click Add
  4. A window will pop up with the condition assessment records that were created for each selected asset. Click to open a condition assessment record. Screen_Shot_2020-09-24_at_10.20.17_AM.png

Note - The created condition assessment records will be stored in the Condition Assessment module and linked on the asset records. 

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