Create a New Asset - Asset Inventory
In NEXGEN, an asset can be defined as any piece of physical property that requires maintenance. Assets are tracked and managed in the Asset Inventory module. Before adding assets to the NEXGEN system, users should determine their own criteria for tracking an asset in the asset inventory.
Video Overview
Create a New Asset
Navigate to the Asset Inventory Module.
Hover over the
Assets icon and click > Asset Inventory.
Click the
+ New
button at the top left of the screen.
- Make sure the search sidebar is visible. If the sidebar is not visible click the 3 gray lines on the top left.
Fill in the Asset Information. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. See below for field definitions.
Click "Save" to save your asset.
Asset Number -
an asset's unique identifier
Asset Name -
another asset identifier; doesn't need to be unique
Status -
Active vs Inactive; new assets should be active; assets are are made inactive when they are no longer in use
QR Code -
a machine-readable code tagged to the asset that consists of an array of black and white squares and represents a unique asset code; used to easily pull up asset records on mobile devices
Description -
field for additional asset details (ie: material)
Department -
department tagged to asset
Division -
division tagged to asset
Class -
the asset's location in the class hierarchy tree; assets will take on the asset attributes of the assigned class and parent classes
Location -
the asset's location in the location hierarchy tree
Purchase Date -
date the asset was purchased; factors into the book value for asset
Install Date -
date the asset was installed; factors into the replacement cost for the asset
Warranty Expires -
date the asset's warranty expires
Purchase Cost -
purchase cost of the asset; factors into replacement cost and book value
Book Value -
current day value of the asset; automatically calculated based off purchase date, purchase cost, & financial life
Replacement Cost -
cost to replace the asset; automatically calculated based off purchase cost, useful life, install date, and inflation (consumer price index)
lock out, tag out
Notes -
field for additional asset information
Address 1 -
primary asset address
Address 2 -
secondary asset address
City -
city where asset is located
State -
state where asset is located
Zip -
zip code where asset is located
Country -
country where asset is located
Phone 1 -
primary number associated with an asset
Phone 2 -
secondary number associated with an asset
Fax -
fax number associated with an asset
Email -
email address associated with an asset
Add as Equipment -
check if an equipment record should be created for this asset
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