Check In/Out Asset - Asset Inventory

Check In/Out Asset - Asset Inventory

If assets need to be reserved for use, use the Check in/Out feature to manage the reservations for employees.

Video Overview

Navigate to the Asset Inventory Module

To navigate to the Asset Inventory module:
  1. Click Asset in the blue sidebar to the left.
  2. Click Asset Inventory.

View Existing Reservations

To view existing asset reservations:
  1. Screen_Shot_2020-09-24_at_2.33.39_PM.png
    Navigate to the Asset Inventory module.
  2. Open an asset record.
  3. Click the Action button in the upper right. 
  4. Select Check In/Out. 
  5. Existing reservations will be listed in the pop-up labeled with the Employee, Start Date, End Date, and any comments.
  6. Click the Calendar View button to view existing reservations (including upcoming PMs for this asset) on the calendar. Click the List View button to get back to list view.

Add a New Reservation


  1. Navigate to the Asset Inventory module.
  2. Open an asset record.
  3. Click the Action utton in the upper right. 
  4. Select Check In/Out.
  5. Click +Add New.
  6. Select Employee.
  7. Enter a Start Date/Time and End Date/Time.
  8. Add Comments, if desired. 
  9. Click the blue check to add the reservation.

Edit or Delete an Existing Reservation


  1. Navigate to the Asset Inventory module.
  2. Open an asset record.
  3. Click the Action button in the upper right. 
  4. Select Check In/Out.
  5. Click the pencil icon to edit an existing reservation. Click the blue check when finished editing. 
  6. Click the minus sign icon to delete an existing reservation.
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