Auto Load Main Task Checklist

Auto Load Main Task Checklist

If the Auto load Checklist company option is enabled, when selecting a main task for a work order or PM, the checklist will automatically be added.

  1. Turn on the company option Autoload Checklist. Click Settings > Setup > Company Options > General.
  2. Click Check the Auto Load Checklist option. Click Save.Screen_Shot_2020-01-31_at_10.35.59_AM.png
  3. Create a checklist associated with a main task as usual in Lookups in the Settings Module.
  4. To edit the checklist later and have changes reflected throughout the software, go to the checklist in Lookups in the Settings Module.



  • Once a checklist is added to a PM, checklist steps cannot be deleted or edited. Steps can be added to the checklist in the PM, but this will only change the checklist for that particular PM – not across the system.
  • Once a checklist is added to a work order, the checklist can be edited.

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