Attach Costs to Assets and Subtasks on a Work Order - Work Order

Attach Costs to Assets and Subtasks on a Work Order - Work Order

The total work order cost comes from the sum of the costs of the resources, parts, and miscellaneous costs on a work order. Generally, the work order cost is calculated by either using the calculate cost feature or by closing the work order, the total cost is split equally amongst the assets and sub-tasks. However, it is possible to attach individual costs to specific assets and sub-tasks for more accurate job costing.

Video Overview

Attach Existing Costs to an Asset

To attach existing costs to an asset:
  1. Scroll to the Assets zone of a work order.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to an asset.
  3. Select "Attach Cost."
  4. Existing costs from the work order (resources, parts, and miscellaneous costs) will appear on a list by default. Select the cost(s) you would like to attach to this asset.
    1. Screen_Shot_2020-09-11_at_9.11.51_AM.png
      Note: only costs that have not been already attached to assets will be listed.
  5. Click "Attach."
  6. Click "Attach" again.
Note: To see the updated cost breakdown between the assets, you must either use the Calculate Cost feature or close the work order.

Attach a New Cost and Add Resources to the Work Order at the Same Time

To attach a new cost and add resources:
  1. Scroll to the Assets zone of a work order.
  2. Screen_Shot_2020-09-11_at_1.51.14_PM.png
    Click the drop-down arrow next to an asset.
  3. Select "Attach Cost."
  4. Select Employee, Equipment, Contractor, Miscellaneous Costs, or Roles (under the Reset button).
  5. Scroll, search, or filter to find the correct resource.
  6. Select the desired resource(s).
  7. Click "Attach."
  8. Fill out resource information (estimated units, actual units, etc.), if applicable.
  9. Click "Attach."
Note: Adding miscellaneous costs is slightly different. After inputting the miscellaneous cost details, click "+Add Cost." You do not need to click "Attach."

View or Delete Costs Attached to an Asset

To view or delete the costs attached to an asset:
  1. Scroll to the Assets zone of a work order.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to an asset.
  3. Select "View Cost."
  4. All costs attached to the asset will be listed. To delete an attached cost, hover over a listed cost and click the Delete button that appears.

Attach Costs to a Subtask

To attach costs to a subtask:
  1. Scroll to the Tasks zone of the work order. 
  2. Click the drop-down arrow on a task. 
  3. Select "Add Cost."
  4. Existing costs from the work order (resources, parts, misc. costs) will appear on a list. Select the cost(s) you would like to attach to this task. Note - only costs that have not already been attached to tasks will be listed.
    1. Note: Only costs that have not already been attached to tasks will be listed.
  5. Click "Attach."
  6. Click "Attach" again.

Note: To see the updated cost breakdown between subtasks, you must either use the Calculate Cost feature and refresh the page or close the work order. 

View or Delete Costs Attached to Sub-Tasks

To view or delete costs attached to subtasks:
  1. Scroll to the Tasks zone of the work order. 
  2. Click the drop-down arrow on a task. 
  3. Screen_Shot_2020-09-11_at_9.33.13_AM.png
    Select "View Cost."
  4. Costs that are attached to the subtask will be listed here. To delete an attached cost, hover over it and click the Delete button that appears.

Calculate Cost

To see the updated cost breakdown after attaching costs to assets or subtasks, use the Calculate Cost feature. Even if you do not use this feature, the costs will update at the close of the work order.

To use the Calculate Cost feature:
  1. Click the Action drop-down in the top right corner of the work order. 
  2. Select "Calculate Cost."
  3. Refresh, if necessary.


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