Asset Information, Asset Attributes, & GIS Attributes

Asset Information, Asset Attributes, & GIS Attributes

Certain asset information fields are common across all assets within NEXGEN. These are the asset information fields. Asset attributes can be configured for all assets in the system or can be class-specific. GIS attributes are shown for GIS assets only.

Video Overview


Asset Information

Asset information fields are shown in the top zone of an asset record and are general fields for all assets across the system. For field definitions, see below. To edit these fields, click Edit on the top zone. 




  • Asset Number - an asset's unique identifier
  • Asset Name - another asset identifier; doesn't need to be unique
  • Description - field for additional asset details (ie: material)
  • QR Code - a machine-readable code tagged to the asset that consists of an array of black and white squares and represents a unique asset code; used to easily pull up asset records on mobile devices
  • Status - Active vs Inactive; new assets should be active; assets are are made inactive when they are no longer in use
  • Remaining Useful Life - number of years remaining in assets useful life
  • ARI - Asset Risk Index; the produce of the AII (Asset Impact Index) and API (Asset Probability Index); click link to get to Risk Module
  • ACI - Asset Condition Index; condition score based off of age or condition assessment; click link to get to the Risk Module
  • Department - department tagged to asset
  • Division - division tagged to asset
  • Class - the asset's location in the class hierarchy tree; assets will take on the asset attributes of the assigned class and parent classes
  • Location - the asset's location in the location hierarchy tree
  • Purchase Date - date the asset was purchased; factors into the book value for asset
  • Install Date - date the asset was installed; factors into the replacement cost for the asset
  • Warranty Expires - date the asset's warranty expires
  • Purchase Cost - purchase cost of the asset; factors into replacement cost and book value
  • Book Value - current day value of the asset; automatically calculated based off purchase date, purchase cost, & financial life
  • Replacement Cost - cost to replace the asset; automatically calculated based off purchase cost, useful life, install date, and inflation (consumer price index)
  • LOTO - lock out, tag out
  • Notes - field for additional asset information
  • Address 1 - primary asset address
  • Address 2 - secondary asset address
  • City - city where asset is located
  • State - state where asset is located
  • Zip - zip code where asset is located
  • Country - country where asset is located
  • Phone 1 - primary number associated with an asset
  • Phone 2 - secondary number associated with an asset
  • Fax - fax number associated with an asset
  • Email - email address associated with an asset


NEXGEN Tip: Hover of the "i" icon in the Class or Location field to view the Location/Class hierarchy path for that asset.


Asset Attributes

Asset attributes (if applicable) are listed in the zone(s) below the asset info. These attributes can be configured for all assets in the system or can be specific to the asset class or parent class(es). To edit the asset attributes, click Edit on the first asset attribute zone. 




GIS Attributes

For GIS assets, GIS attributes are reflected from the GIS database on the asset record in a zone called GIS Attributes. The GIS administrator controls which asset attributes are visible and can be edited by users. Click + Update on the GIS Attributes zone to edit GIS attributes. 




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