Add Stock and Non-Stock Items to Your Warehouse - Warehouse Inventory

Add Stock and Non-Stock Items to Your Warehouse - Warehouse Inventory

Whenever you need to add a new item to your warehouse, you can do so easily by navigating to the Warehouse Inventory module and then clicking on the "+ New" button on the top left side of the screen. For more information on item records and what each field means on an item record, see Stock and Non-Stock Item Overview - Warehouse Inventory.

Add Stock Items to Your Warehouse

  1. From the NEXGEN dashboard, navigate to the Warehouse Inventory Module.
    1. Hover over the "Warehouse" icon on the left and then click on "Warehouse Inventory".
  2. Make sure the sidebar is visible if you cannot see it.
    1. To view the sidebar, click on the 3 gray lines at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click on "+New".
  4. Click "New Stock" to add a new stock item.
  5. Enter item information. Ensure the following information is entered to save the item record for more information on each of the fields below please visit the Stock and Non-Stock Item Overview - Warehouse Inventory page:
    1. Number
    2. Name
    3. Category
    4. UOM
    5. UOM Sale
    6. Cost Method
    7. Active (make sure it is selected)
    8. Warehouse (you must add at least 1 location for the item to be saved)
  6. To add a warehouse, click on the "+ Add" button under the warehouse zone.
    1. Select a warehouse from the warehouse dropdown.
    2. Select a location from the location box by clicking on the "+" sign in the location field.
    3. Select a location from the popup.
    4. Fill in rest of desired information. (For more information on minimum, maximum, and reorder quantities as well as ABC codes please look below).
    5. Click "Save" to add your warehouse location.
  7. Click "Save". Your item record should now be in your warehouse inventory.

Add Non-Stock Items to Your Warehouse

  1. From the NEXGEN dashboard, navigate to the Warehouse Inventory Module.
    1. Hover over the "Warehouse" icon on the left and then click on "Warehouse Inventory".
  2. Make sure the sidebar is visible if you cannot see it.
    1. To view the sidebar, click on the 3 gray lines at the top left of the screen.
  3. Click on "+ New".
  4. Click on New Non Stock
  5. Enter item information. Ensure the following information is entered to save the item record. For more information on each of the fields below please visit the Stock and Non-Stock Item Overview - Warehouse Inventory page:
    1. Item Number
    2. Item Name
    3. UOM
    4. UOM Sale
    5. Vendor
    6. Active (make sure it is selected)
  6. Click on "Save".  Your item record should now be in your warehouse inventory.

Minimum, Maximum, and Reorder Quantities

When associating a new location to an item in your inventory, you have the option of selecting minimum, maximum, and reorder quantities. Each of these quantities are stored within the NEXGEN system to help facilitate reordering.

Minimum Quantity
Lowest amount you would want to have in stock before reordering
Maximum Quantity
Highest amount you would like to have in stock at a time
Reorder Quantity
Number of units you would like to reorder at a time

If you would like to edit any of the quantities above for your items, you can do that from the item record:
  1. From the item record, scroll to the "Warehouse" zone.
  2. On the location line item, click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the available quantity.
  3. A dropdown will appear. Click on the pencil "Edit" icon to edit the quantities.
  4. When you are done, click "Save" to save your changes.

ABC Codes

Aside from associating minimum, maximum, and reorder quantities for an item, you can also assign items to an ABC code. Within NEXGEN you have access to 4 different codes. The "A" code is used to identify items that are frequently consumed and have a higher reorder rate while the "D" code is used to identify items that are not very frequently consumed. Using an A to D hierarchy, you can prioritize which items in your inventory need to be reordered.

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