Create/Edit/Link a User Account - Configurations
When a new user needs to be added to a NEXGEN site, they must be added as both a user and an employee. The user record for a new employee holds their login information and user privilege settings while the employee account stores employee Department/Division, Role, Pay Rates, Training, Notes, and other fields. Only System or Domain Administrator users have the rights to add new users to NEXGEN sites or edit existing users. Prior to adding new users or editing existing users, please ensure you have the proper permissions.
System Administrators adding new users to their site should note that when a new user is created, an employee record must also be created for them. New user accounts can be created in the User Module while Employee records are created in the Employee module. A user must have both a user account and employee record to view all information in NEXGEN.
Add a New User
To create a new user please follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the User module.
- Click Settings > User.
- Click "+ New" from the left sidebar.
- If the left sidebar is not visible click on the 3 horizontal lines next to the NEXGEN icon.
- Fill in the Basic Information section for your user. All items with a red asterisk (*) are required to save the user record.
- Select a User Privilege Group and Dashboard for your user.
- If a user privilege group is not selected a user will have no rights in NEXGEN and will receive the following error message when trying to login: "Insufficient Permissions to access the system."
- If a user dashboard is not selected the user will login to a blank dashboard.
- NEXGEN recommends that only one user group is selected for each user. Assigning multiple user groups to a user can cause access issues. System Administrators and Domain Administrators can only be assigned to one user group and all other user groups must be unchecked before a user can be marked as a System Administrator or Domain Administrator.
- Click "Save" to save your user details. Do not forget to create an employee record for the user. For more information on how to create employee records please review the following article: Create/Edit/Link a New Employee - Employee.
Tip: If a user leaves your organization, you can mark the user as inactive to prevent them from logging into your site. NEXGEN currently does not allow users to delete user records to maintain historical data. For more information System Administrators can contact
Edit a User Record
To edit an existing user record create a new employee record, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the User module.
- From your dashboard click on the Settings wheel.
- Click on "User" module on the right.
- Locate the user record you would like to edit but using the left sidebar.
- If the left sidebar is not visible click on the 3 horizontal lines next to the NEXGEN icon.
- Users can search by User Name, email, comments, Domain, or User Group.
- Click into the user record and edit any items by using the pencil edit icon. Below are some common actions administrators can perform from the user record.
- Reset a user's password
- Adjust a user's user group assignment
- Turn on a user's dashboard
- Mark a user inactive
- Change a user's email
- Lock/unlock a user's account
- Click "Save" to save your changes.
Link a User to an Employee
To link a user record to an employee record, users must navigate to the Employee module. The User to Employee link must be made from the Employee Record.
- Navigate to the Employee module.
- From your dashboard hover over the resource icon and click on "Employee".
- Search for the employee record using the left sidebar.
- If the left sidebar is not visible click on the 3 horizontal lines next to the NEXGEN icon.
- Open the employee record and click the pencil "Edit" button on the top right of the top zone.
- Select the user from the dropdown list under the user field. Enter the username if you do not see the name on the list. Please note, that only active user accounts that have not been linked to other users will populate in the dropdown list.
- Click "Save" to save your selection.
- The user and employee record should now be linked.
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